Please note that all the registrations are made using RegNow which does the actuall process of your request and transfers it to us.
Phone numbers:
Toll Free: 877-353-7297
Regular (International): 425-392-2294
You will have to state the product name - GetSmart, and its ID - 1943-1
Fax numbers:
Toll Free: 888-353-7276
Regular (International): 425-392-0223
Your fax must contain the following form:
Personal Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Billing Address:
Zip/Postal Code:
Email Address: (REQUIRED - if you don't have an Email address, use one of the public services such as hotmail to create one )
Order Information
Price: ($12.50 x Quantity, if you only need one registration just put here $12.50 )
Payment Information
Name on Card:
Type of Credit Card:
Card Number:
Expiration Date: (Month, Year(4 digits) )