
The smartest download manager around!
GetSmart will soon be released as open source...
GetSmart is a download manager which supports splitting a download into separated connections. Each connection will download a different part of the file simultaneously. GetSmart was written out of a despair, after trying similar programs which did not answer today's needs.
Read the Why use GetSmart? page to understand how it works and why it's faster and better than other programs - there is no magic here.
GetSmart version 0.9 build 11
This update contains some bug fixes.
If you're using an 0.9 version you can get the new version automatically, by choosing "check for newer versions" from the help menu, or even simpler just click on this link Automatic update. Otherwise go to the preview page.
Registration via phone, fax or mail
It is now possible to register GetSmart via phone or fax and even via mail.
Just choose the one you want from the menu on the left.
We had problems with both our sourceforge mirror and with our mail. This mirror is back on, but this is a good time to remind you all that we have another mirror site in xoom so if one doesn't work you could always use the second.
It seems that RageMail died which means we can't get any Email. If you've sent us an Email in last two weeks you'll have to resend it to new Email address: m507@bigfoot.com
The skins page was updated and if you're using the new 0.9 version and the Act as Proxy feature, you can install new skins just by clicking on the link in the page. GetSmart will automatically download and install the skin.
I would also like to refer you to our message board. A new discussion was opened about how should GetSmart look and act in its future versions.
Version 09 build 10 (a preview version)
The first release of the 0.9 version is now avilable. Just follow this link to the preview page to read about the new stuff and to try it out.
Last version messed up with the sockets, so after about ten minutes of usage GetSmart may have freezed. This was fixed.
Fixes have been made to the skin system. If usage of external skins crashed GetSmart it should now work fine.
Some other small bug fixes were implemenetd.
This is an important update since it fixes some critical bugs.
GetSmart would have randomly crashed when using both the "Act as Proxy" and normal downloads.
The tray icon menu is now fixed.
The "Act as Proxy" didn't work well with Netscape when sending forms. Should work fine.
A new really cool skin was added. Check the skin gallery.
Mainly fixes to problems which were reported.
GetSmart could have crashed when a download was finished - this should now be fixed.
This should be the last 0.8 version release. We are working hard on version 0.9 which will have a new graphic interface and some new cool features.
Two skins were added to our gallery, take a look.
Changing the main window.
We have received too many comments from people who didn't like our interface look. Therefor we have decided to redesign it. We will start with the main window. It will be skinable so it would be possible to customize it easily.
What we need are comments about how do you think the main window should look and some comments about our buttons: Should they be smaller? Must they all be the same size? Which ones you don't like? Do you like the background of the tool bar or should it be a one color fill? Any ideas on a specific button's look?
You can either Email to us or start a discussion in the message board.
A russian translation by Viacheslav Maliuhin.
Viacheslav Maliuhin has translated GetSmart into Russian.
The translation is avilable from the translation page - follow this link.
We thought it was about time that we renew our site.
We added two things to make it interactive:
Message board - you can now write any thoughts or problems about GetSmart in the message board and other user's will be able to reply and help or comment about your ideas. We will also take a look from time to time and participate in the discussions.
Weekly polls - Most of the polls will be about GetSmart. By answering them you will help us know how to further develop GetSmart ( the poll is only available in our sourceforge mirror ).
Lot's of small bugs were fixed. If you sent us an Email about something it's probably fixed.
GetSmart can now support language translations in the form of a separate DLL file. It's really easy to translate GetSmart to any language and you can download the packages which allows doing so or a prepared translation to Hebrew from our Language page.
The dialer is back and and it now supports pulse dialing if needed.
The scheduler is also implemented again and should work fine.
Some bug fixes. Read below on the major changes in the new versions.
Please that we have changed our Email addresses, so update your address books (go to the comments page to get them).
We now have a new Skins section. It will contain some of the skins which will be made for GetSmart. Check it out.
This is a new 0.8 version which includes the features previously availiable in 0.7 versions, we consider it polished enough to be the offical version now.
We'd like to thank again all the testers of the 0.8 preview builds for sending all these reports.
This version is recommended for everyone. 0.7 users: finish your current d/ls before moving to 0.8. it's recommended to uninstall, or run "GetSmart r" before installing the new one (your d/l list will be deleted) 0.8 users: to see what's new, go to the preview page
For users who havn't tried any of the new 0.8 builds, this is what's new:
- This version is much more stable and reliable.
- A costumable skin system was added, you can now create your own looks for the d/l window.
- The drop box "thingy", now does "things". take a look.
- GetSmart is now much smarter, it will intelligently arrange downloading.
- You can now configure server limits.
- The mirror system was enhanced, you can now better control mirror usage
- The "act as proxy" is improved, it can now catch clicks from ANY browser, and will now introduce a shortcut system, which allows defining shortcuts for URLs.
- You can now shut down the user interface, leaving GetSmart's daemon running in background. The GUI is completly independed from the daemon.
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